Friday 2 May 2014

The Two Week Challenge

Are you ready for another LivingLovingLifestyle challenge?

This one doesn't require you to take body photos or make public declarations though. This is much more of a private challenge. This is The Two Week Challenge.

The idea behind The Two Week Challenge is that very specific short term goals are much easier to achieve than vague long term goals are. What this means for you when you want to change something is that if you just say well I want to lose weight or stop smoking, chances are you're not going to succeeded.

But if you say "I'm not going to touch a single cigarette for two weeks" or "I'm not going to eat sweets for two weeks", then you'll probably succeed because that's pretty ease to achieve. 

If you can get through those two weeks, then maybe you'll go, "well I've gone two weeks without it, so maybe I can go another two weeks"

If you get through another two weeks then maybe you'll say "I've gone a month, lets see if I can go another month"

And if you're able to keep achieving these specific short term goals, then the next thing you know, you'll have kicked a bad habit, changed the way you do something, or picked up a good habit.

Presently I'm on The Two Week Challenge and I want to cut down the amount of coffee I drink to one cup with my breakfast, and to stop eating sweets and chocolates so often.

I'm just under a week in and so far so good, I'm starting to find that I'm getting through the day without feeling particularly tiered and even if I'm still fancying sweets, I'm finding it easy to not have them. 

So come on and let's try The Two Week Challenge together.

If you haven't joined The Beautiful Body Challenge yet, please do so, you can find me at Ashley Kim-Ginger on Facebook or @KimGinge on Twitter or you can leave a comment for you.

Good luck and happy life changing :)


  1. This is such a good idea. I will have to think about what my 2 week challenge will be.

    1. Awesome! I've found the challenge really helps and it's surprising how even in just two weeks you can change your habits to be healthier and happier :)
