Sunday 18 May 2014

Ripped Freak – The Review

In this Article I’m reviewing a product called Ripped Freak. This is a fat burning tablet supplement which I've been taking for the last three weeks. Ripped Freak has been created by the people at Pharma Freak.

Ripper Freak is actually a fat burner designed for body builders. The big strong, manly muscly kind. It was even recommended to me by a friend who I’d stick under the body building category. You can’t miss its very masculine yellow and red box. It's is kind of a funny contract to the pleasant raspberry taste and smell of the tablets themselves. The reason for the raspberry is everyone’s favorite, Raspberry Ketones.

It’s been said that the claims that Raspberry Ketones help burn fat were never really tested on humans. Only on rats… But it seems, judging by all the success stories springing up from them, there must be some truth to the claim.

Now, some may say it’s a little hypocritical to have a challenge for women to start loving their bodies one week, and to then start taking fat burner the next. But there’s more to Ripper Freak than just its claim to being an amazing fat burner.

Firstly, one Ripped Freak tablet is equal to about three cups of coffee. This is probably why I’ve been able to cut my coffee consumption down to just one cup with breakfast. The beauty is I’ve generally had more energy with Ripped Freak than I would just with coffee. And it’s not just ‘I’m awake' kind of energy, but strength energy.

During pole I’ve found that I feel stronger and able to push myself further. So Ripped Freak has done more than possibly help me lose weight, but it’s helped me push myself and get my pole mojo back. Big thumbs up on that front.

Another huge benefit that I’ve found while using Ripped Freak is that my cravings for sugar have dropped drastically. Before I started taking it I found I was really struggling to say no to sugar, but now the cravings really have dropped to almost nothing. I really noticed it when I decided to have a few Love Hearts which are my favorite sweet in the whole world. Now normally when I start eating them, I can’t stop until the role is finished. This time I had about 5 or 6 and then put them away. So another awesome benefit.

Ripped Freak is a really easy to use product as well. It’s just one tablet first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. That’s it. You can take a second one if you choose to but then it’s normally around mid-day. You just have to take it at least three hours before go to sleep. Otherwise that caffeine kick’s going to have your up forever!

The instructions say you should take your tablet with a minimum of 8 ounces of water (It’s an America product hence the ounces) which equals a small glass of water. This sounds like an old ‘rule’ but trust me, if you just have like a mouthful of water to get the tablet down, you’re looking at some rather unpleasant heart burn. I found that out the hard way.

Something else I really like is the bottle comes with a diet plan and exercise plan (that's the card you can see in the picture of the product). Both are designed for those muscly gym-loving body builders but they’re awesome to use as guides. I use the diet plan as a guide to the short of things I can and should be eating at certain times of the day. So that’s really useful.

Ripped Freak is very expensive. R599 for 60 tablets, so it’s a two month supply. There is a benefit to buying expensive diet supplements like this though, or at least I think so. Because of the fact that there is no perfect miracle fat burning supplement on earth that will get rid of your fat while you sit on that couch and eat cake, you become more aware of what you eat when you’ve paid good money for a supplement. Knowing this is an expensive product you don’t want to waste your money by eating junk and therefore not getting the full benefit, so it really help give you motivation to stick to a healthier diet.

Ripped Freak isn’t readily available in South Africa but you can buy it from Chrome Supplements. I went to the one in Bel Air center.  

Now for the part that really matters. The weight lose...

On the left is the photo I used in my beautiful body challenge, on the right a photo taken last night after using Ripped Freak for three weeks.

Now, I'll be honest, I definitely haven't lost as much as I'd like to have, given I've seen and heard reviews of this product where people have see visible results after only two weeks of use. But maybe that's because I just don't exercise enough. Maybe teaching two dance classes a week and poling at least three times a week just aren't the same as going to the gym every evening. 

But I will say this, if you look closely, not too closely though, at my after photo, I do think my hips look marginally narrower and I feel when I look in the mirror that I've got more definition in my stomach. Sadly even the best fat burner in the world can't directly target my stupid thighs but again it has only been three weeks. 

Over all, Ripped Freak is a nice diet supplement that's helped with my energy levels, my cravings, my motivations and my eating habits. Whether or not it's truly an effective fat burner for an average person like me who doesn't live only in the gym, the jury is still out.

But I shall up date you after I've finished my full two months and let's see if my opinion has been changed.


  1. I'm always nervous about such things - for one, you can never be entirely certain what you're putting into your body in terms of ingredients and the effects that have over time; and two, you also can't be certain how the results will last when you've completed the course. I do think it's a good and open-minded review you've written my friend, naturally over cautious me is just reiterating the most important thing: be careful and be safe :) why not contact a doctor for their view on the product as your next post? Helps to research all sides of the story :) loving the blog!

  2. Well one of the other things I appreciate about the product is that on their ingredients list they've made it really easy to understand what the ingredients are. This made me feel safer about taking the product. Every diet supplement has it's down sides and I'm sure I'll see more of them as I go. If I can find a doctor willing to offer an opinion I'll definitely see what they say :)
