Just about everyone out there has a 100 days challenge.
They’re all designed to get you to push yourself to be healthier, be better, be
So I want to throw my own 100 days challenge at you. Except
I don’t want to and I don’t want you to just try be healthier or happier. I
want all of us, to stop being so complacent!
It’s so easy for us to complain about how terrible our lives
are, how unhappy we are and so on. But at the end of the day, circumstance only
plays a small part in the life you have. YOU play the biggest role in your own
life. If you sit back and complain without doing anything about, it then
nothing’s going to change.
If you want your life to change you have to change it and
get out of your comfort zone. This is the point of the 100 Days Out the Box
Challenge, to get you to live outside of your box. If you can make a conscious
effort to get out of your box at least once every day for 100 days you can
actually start to feel the confidence to make the changes that ACTUALLY matter!
So I dare you to join the 100 Days Out the Box and every day
post a picture everyday of how you are living outside of your box. It can be
something as simple as taking a new route to work or trying a new fruit juice
or something bigger like starting a new hobby or maybe a new job. Post your
picture on Facebook or Twitter with #100daysoutthebox. I am literally talking
about something as simple as wearing your hair a different way or wearing that bright
lipstick you’ve never worn. The challenge starts on the 1st of
August, so prepare yourself to get out of your box.
Take your life into your own hands and do everything you can
to challenge yourself. Be the person you want to be, live the life you want to
live and stop being complacent about the situation you’re in.
100 Day Out the Box Challenge, it’s time to live the life
you want!